
Whilst reasonable endeavours are made to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, Inspired Education Australia Pty Ltd. ACN 614 067 220 (IEA) does not give any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information or material available on its website.

IEA reserves the right to change any of the information or material on the website at any time without notice.

Before you rely on the information or material available on the website you should consider the appropriateness of it in relation to your school, subject and/or professional teaching requirements and circumstances.

A person’s learning and/or development experiences from any course or program with IEA and/or using the information or material on the website may differ for a variety of reasons. Such reasons may include, but are not limited to, the participation of the individual during a workshop or program, implementation of any acquired skills, the resources available and an individual’s circumstances.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, IEA and its associated partners, affiliates, companies, researchers, authorised distributors licensees, employees, speakers and trainers exclude all liability or responsibility for any loss, damage or claim of whatsoever nature or kind (including indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, whether or not such claim results from or involves negligence) suffered or incurred by any person, corporation or other legal entity which arises out of or is connected with any workshop, course or program with IEA and/or the information or material on this website.

IEA gives no warranties and does not guarantee a particular outcome as a result of undertaking any workshop, course or program with IEA and/or relying on the information or material available on the website.

Web links from this site to external, third party websites should not be construed as implying any relationship with and/or endorsement of the external site or its content by IEA, nor any commercial or other relationship with the owners of such site.

Artificial Intelligence Disclaimer

Each participant attending our workshops and using our advice is responsible for ensuring that they create and have access to their own Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform accounts and comply with the terms and conditions of use of the tool. IEAs training will demonstrate how various AI tools (such as ChatGPT) can be used for educational purposes. IEA is not affiliated with or sponsored by such AI tools, organisations or affiliates and does not provide any warranty in relation to the use of AI. Each participant is responsible for undertaking their own enquiries in relation to the suitability of such tools for educational purposes and obtaining the consent of their respective educational institutions before using or implementing AI into any educational setting.

IEA will not be held responsible for any damages that results from use of AI tools. Our training does not warrant the use of AI tools for commercial purposes and IEA will not take any liability.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are immersive experiences and can influence users differently.

People who have previous medical conditions such as severe headaches, ear-aches, or psychiatric disorders, should consult with a medical practitioner before participating in VR or AR.

Some people may experience seizures triggered by flashing lights or patterns while experiencing VR or AR, even if they have never had a seizure before, or have no history of epilepsy or seizures. Anyone who knows or believes they may have previously experienced a seizure or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition should see a doctor prior to participating in VR or AR activities.

VR’s and AR’s immersive nature may lead to the following while interacting in virtual environments:

(a)     discomfort, motion sickness, dizziness, nausea, sweating, fatigue, drowsiness, headache and eyestrain;

(b)     hitting screens, walls, doors, and other objects;

(c)     loss of balance; and

(d)     walking into objects.

IEA will not be held responsible for any health injuries or damage to property that results from participation in VR or AR activities. Each participant agrees to comply with any reasonable directions of IEA and take part at their own risk.


Should you have any queries or concerns relating to this disclaimer, please contact IEA via get@inspiredgrp.com.au